Java Online Training Curriculum
Mega Online Trainings provides top-notch Java Online Training solutions to the learners at their convenience and with a reliable mode of training that covers all major Java concepts with practical exposure. Our complete core Java Online Training covers the following modules in detail.
• Java - History & Basics
This module deals with the features of Java, the need of Java, JVM, Java Installation, Java Program Development, Java compilation and execution, Java source file structure.
• OOPS Concepts
The module discusses various Object-Oriented Programming concepts such as object, class, inheritance, package.
• Java Language Basics
You get to learn about variables, arrays, and primitive data types. Additionally, you can learn about various operators like arithmetic, unary, assignment, conditional, relational, equality operators. The module also discusses control flow statements, if, else, switch, while, do…while, and for commands.
• Classes and Objects
The section discusses in detail declaring classes, member variables, defining methods, constructor, passing data to method or constructor. You also learn about objects and return statements to methods, instance, class members, initializing fields, access specifiers, nested classes like inner class, local inner, enumerations, etc.
• Interface and Inheritance
You can learn about defining, implementing and rewriting interfaces, using the interface as a type, inheritance mechanisms like overriding, polymorphism, hiding fields, super keywords, final class, object father, abstract classes and methods.
• Numbers and Strings
You can learn about wrapper classes, formatting, rewriting interfaces, characters, strings, number and string conversions, substring manipulation, string builder class, character manipulation, autoboxing, unboxing, etc.
• Packages
This module covers concepts like Creating and naming packages, using package members.
• Exception Handling
This section lets you understand exceptions, catch and specify requirements, try block, catch block, and finally block. You will also learn about exceptions like Throw exception, chain exception, creating an exception, unchecked exception.
• File Handling
In this section, you can cover the concepts like I/O stream, character stream, byte stream, buffered stream, scanning, formatting, I/O from the command line, object and data streams, serialization, and file IO.
• Threading
The module covers the various processes and threads, defining and starting threads, sleeping threads, interrupting threads, joining threads, synchronization like thread interference, memory consistency error, volatile keyword, synchronized methods.
• Generics
This section discusses concepts like why Generics, generic raw types, generic methods, bounded parameters, generics inheritance and subtypes, type inference.
• Collection
The module covers basics about collection framework, collection classes, interfaces, etc.
• Java Database Connectivity
You can also learn about the JDBC Architecture, Database Overview and JDBC fundamentals like establishing connections, SQL statements, SQL exceptions, result sets, statements, prepared statements, callable statements.